I feel I haven't done much besides work - just staying at home and sleeping!
While waiting for the sun , I have been wandering on rocketnews24, a website that brings all kind of strange and funny news mostly from Japan and Asia. A bit like Yahoo's oddly enough, except that coming from Japan you can except another level or weirdness ha ha
They started recently to translate some of the articles in English but this one got my attention
So I share it here
"What has disappointed you regarding Japan?" Someone posted this question on reddit. "What thing(s) disappointed you, things you thought wouldn't happen in Japan, stuff you underestimated (or overestimated), stuff that just happened to you and more common things that could happen to anyone. Share your let downs."
According to rocketnews24, these are the top 8 most frequent answers.
① なにかとお金がかかることにガッカリI can't agree more with ①!
Everything you do requires money / requires a fee
② 「また近いうちに会おうね!」にガッカリ
"let's meet again soon"
③ 地方の医療レベルにガッカリ
Quality of local medial care
④ 「本音と建前」にガッカリ
Keeping face VS one's real opinion
⑤ 変な外国人が多いことにガッカリ
A lot of other strange foreigners
⑥ 英語が通じなくてガッカリ
Their broken English
⑦ 声が小さすぎてガッカリ
Speaking too low
⑧ 盗まれてガッカリ
Also stealing (umbrellas, bicycles, etc.)
There are fees to pay everywhere in Japan and it seems normal to people that fun equals spending money. Since you don't throw a lot of house parties there, everything happens in restaurants, karaokes, during tabehoudai, nomihoudai, (all you can drink/eat), and so forth. And it's about 2 000-3 000 yens each time (15 to 20 GBP), so imagine how much you need per week to attend all the parties at uni
Full article here.