Wednesday, November 2, 2011

..Decogal for iPhone..

Name: デコガール (DecoGal)
Seller: Sockets Inc.
Price: Free
Language: Japanese

This app has pretty much what any gyaru would want for a diary

In addition to the main function (writing journal entries), it offers many other interesting features that I review below

#1 Design
#2 Writing journal entry
#3 Additional features
#4 Conclusion

#1 Design
The design is fairly well made and you can choose between 3 journal skins according to your gyaru style:
  1. Romantic Jewelry, for popteen fans
  2. ナチュラル(natural), for onee gyaru girls
  3. カラフルpopスター(colorful pop star), for cocolulu advocators

My favorite is the onee gyaru style
I don't like the pinkness of the popteen style, but since it is the default skin, I keep using it for this review.

#2 Writing journal entries
You can write journal entries for each day in a different colors and check a list of corresponding activities such as cinema, karaoke, shopping, school, traveling, payday, etc.

But there's more:

  You can attach photos to the event and manage them in the diary's albums
  To complete the customization of the entry, you can decorate the background with cute stickers
  You can stamp today's humor with cute gyaru expressions. There are 9 expressions in all: happiness, sadness, anger, shyness, normal, dull, surprise, excitement, panic.

I tried to write an entry (yes that's me in the little picture on the bottom right of screen!! but I will explain that in another article)

And the result is...

As you see, the activity icons and sticker decorations are also displayed in box of the corresponding day of the calendar

Additional features
The app offers a health care follow up about:
  girls'stuff (periods)
  temperature, weight, sleeptime. If you register the data frequently, they will be displayed in a chart.

AND the big plus according to me, a clinic section with a sexy gyaru doctor

This section is extremely well done. You have a dictionary of all kind of illnesses (mental ones are also included), Q&A with the clinic staff and interviews with different doctors.

You can also address your questions directly to the staff (on the screen, the requests are closed though).

  gyaru illustrations
  clinic section
  import/export option to backup diary entries
  synchronization of entries with iPhone's calendar

  no emoticons in the diary entries
  limited choice of stickers
  no preview of the entry in the calendar boxes

This application is not available in English but you can use it without understanding Japanese (except for the clinic section) as everything is very visual and intruitive!

    of review

    As for me, I already use CanimalsDiary since March and like it pretty much so I'll stick with it
    You can see a review of this app here.
    Look how I decorated April and July!!